2020 - Trust gets built in person

At Waves of Change we believe in the power of periodically gathering in person and sharing a true experience.
Our mission is to provide a safe and trusted space for shared value creation among the stakeholders of the environmental transition. All of our participants have one goal in common: developing sustainable solutions that preserve natural resources.

During Waves of Change Events, our waves share their achievements, exchange new ideas, and collectively set new goals and steps for the future.

This is especially the case during our Forum, which gathers 200 participants in Biarritz every year.
In 2020, we started 50 and started loving it!

Get Access to the Action

Forum participants become members of the Waves of Change Coalition for the calendar year and have access to work group deliverables, community gatherings, contacts, ressources, and best practices from around the world.

Do you want to be part of our coalition with your organisation?

Join one of the online wave session for free to learn more or get one of the remaining Wave Maker & Friend of Change Forum tickets (first come, first served).

The Waves of Change Forum is a friend event of leading European Tech Conference Vivatech.