Integrating nature inspiration into the innovation process


IN COLLABORATION with Juliette Verseux from ceebios

Want to contribute and ride this Wave together?


Towards a marine ecosystem of biomimicry solutions

Our upcoming online and offline sessions provide startups, corporations, NGOs and other change agents interested in the approach with an opportunity to leverage collective intelligence to better integrate their ideas and solutions.

Using the feedback from the group as well as CEEBIOS experts, participants collectively imagine and discuss conditions to co-create a functioning marine ecosystem combining their solutions in a symbiotic manner.

Want to be part? Read on and click “Catch this Wave” at the bottom!


About the approach

To succeed in an ecological transition, the first inspiration should come from nature. Nature has already invented everything, so it seems logical to look into it, as it has developed ingenious solutions to each problem.


Biomimicry, sustainable innovation inspired by nature

Biomimicry is an approach to innovation based on the observation of living beings, to address human issues more sustainably. Innovating by using biomimicry is a complex process that requires a specific methodology and mindset. Some educational tools have been developed to facilitate the process of appropriation and to show that biomimicry can be part of innovation departments. This workshop is an opportunity to get introduced to biomimicry concepts & tools, and to practice its methodology through simple study cases.



  • Bringing participants to use biomimicry tools in their strategy : business, innovation or even organization. 

  • Workshop goal and expected output : diagram with questions to be solved, application and manufacturing resources, relevant use cases, questions to be addressed in order to start producing or industrialize.

  • Short / mid / long term outcomes : prototyping supervised by CEEBIOS.