Coastal Adaptation to the effects of global warming and sea level rise


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Since the beginning of 2020, the Ocean and Climate Platform (OCP) has carried out a project in order to facilitate coastal and island adaptation to climate change: Sea’ties. The preceding year, the IPCC’s Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere was unequivocal: the changes affecting the ocean are already having dramatic consequences for coastal ecosystems and populations. Sea level rise reinforces the erosion process and leads to a clear retreat from the coastline, while extreme meteorological events intensify and threaten to submerge large areas.



  • Identify insurers and financial players facing the risk of sea level rise.

  • Find concrete solutions to go beyond an identical reconstruction.

  • Involve the insurance industry to challenge political action.


Ocean-Climate Platform: Théophile Bongarts-Lebbe.

Ocean Climate Platform also known as POC is a network bringing together more than 90 organizations - NGOs, foundations, research institutes, national and international institutions, etc. (and Waves of Change!) - whose objective is to promote scientific expertise and advocate ocean-climate issues to political decision-makers and the general public.