Smart Renewables:
Fostering the energy transition

Co Hosted WITH


Want to contribute and ride this Wave together?


Key Issues addressed

The digital and industrial sectors are still two distinct worlds, having difficulties to meet, connect and collaborate. However, the energy transition to renewables has a strong acceleration potential through the use of digital technologies (optimization algorithms, IoT, data processing with AI, etc.). By reuniting a broad panel of actors from these two sectors, we believe that synergies among corporations, startups, academics and financials can foster the energy transition.

Key stakeholders & Participants

  • Corporations - EDF Renouvelables, AKSA Power Generation.

  • Startups – Olenergies, Sun-o-vision, Ecojoko, HD Rain, The Energy Action Project, Hace, CalWave, Jokosun.

  • Academics - MINES ParisTech – PERSEE.

  • Finance/Consulting – Goosmann Law, Credit Suisse London.

  • Public sector: City of Omaha.


  • Connecting across continents, industries and organizations.

  • Sharing reflections, best practices and challenges regarding the use of digital solutions to accelerate or enhance renewable energy industrial programs.


  • Compilation of participants’ use cases supported by external material: studies, articles, talks.


  • May 18 2021- 7 to 8 pm CEST: Marine energies use cases featuring CalWave and Hace.

  • April 20 2021- 7 to 8 pm CEST: Power distribution use cases featuring Omaha Public Power District, EDF Renouvelables and Aksa Power.

  • March 10 2021- 7 to 8 pm CEST: Solar Energies use cases featuring Sunovision.

  • February 17 2021 - 7 to 8 pm CEST: Introduction of new participants and brainstorming workshop on participants' use cases.

  • June 10 2020 - 7 to 8 pm CEST: Networking session.