The Sustainable Finance Wave
“Reconciling environmental impact and financial performance”
Want to contribute and ride this Wave together?
Key issues addressed
Green and blue startups are often faced with costs and ROI objections vs traditional models, when it comes to selling their solutions or financing them. Meanwhile, public and private sector decision-makers need to update their methodology to better take environmental value into account beyond the sole financial value. Likewise, investors need to factor in opportunity costs as well as long term environmental impact instead of simply 3-5 years financial returns like in more traditional investments. Finally early stage green and blue startups need to learn to rely on quantitative metrics and business planning beyond bioscience and convictions.
Objective and/or expected outcomeS or deliverable for June 2021 (to be presented at the Forum)
Participating decision-makers get latest updates, best practices and real case studies from Mazars’s sustainable finance wave masterclasses.
Selected startups get feedback and advice from public and private sector decision makers as well as impact investors.
Impact investors get exposed to new opportunities and models to consider.
A synthesis, an exclusive international study and a selection of startups get presented during Waves of Change 2021 Forum.
Sept. 23-25 2021 - Forum presentations, workshops & pitches.
May 26 2021 - The €1 billion milestone with Time For the Planet.
May 4 2021 - Mazars Masterclass.
April 16 2021 - Early stage financing and crowdfunding best practices with Ekosea’s Sustainable Extreme Sports Startups Selection: Polyola, Xubaka, Utopik Surfboards and Adaoze Wave.
April 9 2021 - Makesense Seed I’s investor’s presentation to a selection of member sustainable startups.
March 9 2021 - Startup pitch sessions with Q&A featuring Smart Panel, Gaiago and Voltyo.
February 26 2021 - Early stage financing and crowdfunding best practices with clean energy powered shipping startups selected by Ekosea: Iliens, Archinaute and Bateaux Pour la Planète.
February 10 2021 - Startup pitch sessions with Q&A featuring ByFusion, Greenly, Okahina.
February 2 2021 - Mazars Masterclass on Carbon Neutrality.
November 17 2020 - La French Tech Polynesie award winning startups SMO Solar Process, Desolenator and Energy Observers Devs meet investors and corporations on sustainability for islands.
September 21 2020 - Mazars financial clinic with 1:1 meetings with startups.
September 9 2020 - Green & blue startup pitch sessions with Q&A.
July 9 2020 - Mazars Masterclass on hydrogen powered bus lines business modelling.
Corporations - including Mazars, Veolia, Prudential, HSBC, BNP Paribas, etc.
Startups - including SMO Solar Process, Desolenator, Greenly, Energy Observers Development, ByFusion, Spygen, Okahina, etc.
Impact investors - including Munich Ventures Partners, Impact Partners, Uebermorgen, Turenne Capital, Ethical Fin, etc.
Crowdfunding platforms - including Ekosea, Wedogood, etc.
NGOs - including La French Tech Polynésie, La French Tech Pays Basque, etc.
Government organizations - including Nouvelle Aquitaine, Prefeitura de Salvador, etc.
Expert consultancies - including Bordeaux Technowest, Port Eco, Canopée, etc.
You are a BtoB startup with an environmental solution looking to raise funds, enter a new market, address financial objections related to profitability, costs, return on investment, etc.
You represent an investor, big or small, looking to dig into new opportunities in the blue growth and green tech ecosystems.
You are a corporate or public sector decision maker or change agent looking to collaborate with relevant partners in your organization’s transition: procurement, corporate finance, open innovation, CSR departments welcome!
Each group session is capped at 15 validated participants, in order to preserve quality and intimacy.