« Smart Ships, Green Ships » - A cleaner shipping economy thanks to data and tech



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How can the shipping industry become greener and smarter? This work group aims at connecting existing green solutions with space data and technology to optimize maritime routes, reduce energy consumption, increase the clean energy consumption share and/or cease opportunities for sea and biodiversity monitoring.



Identify opportunities to leverage tech progress to make greener ships and infrastructures. Examples include:

  • Using autonomous drones to check harbors and offshore platforms. 

  • Using sensors on ships to collect marine data and additional relevant metrics in real time .

  • Setting up beacons on buoys to localize fish nets and identify owners when lost, in order to mitigate microplastics pollution. 

  • Using sensors to analyze ships carbon emissions in real time and computing environmental cost of shipping a good.

  • Using wind, hydrogen and/or LNG aka Liquid Natural Gas in commercial shipping.

  • Accelerating harbors transformation to achieve energy transition: electrical chargers, waste management, etc.

  • Using space data to minimize energy consumption and optimize maritime routes in real time.


  • May 19 2021, 4pm CEST - Becoming a Green Port featuring Sinay and Port La Nouvelle, FR usecase.